Monday, August 20, 2012

Medical Abbreviations QUIZ

QUIZ on Medical Abbreviations:

1)     What is the abbreviation for "History?"
A.    Hx
B.     Hstry
C.     Hy
D.    Hxy

2)     What is the abbreviation for "Biopsy?"
A.    Bio
B.     Bpy
C.     Bx
D.    BOP   
3)     What is the abbreviation for "As needed?"
A.    Andd
B.     P.r.n
C.     A.n.
D.    As-ndd

4)     What is the abbreviation for "Congestive Cardiac Failure?"
A.    CCF
B.     CF
C.     CJV/cf
D.    C-CF

5)     What is the abbreviation for "Heart Rate?"
A.    H/R
B.     H-r
C.     Hr
D.    HR

6)     What is the abbreviation for "By Mouth?"
A.    B.m
B.     Per/m.
C.     P.o.
D.    BM

7)     What is the abbreviation for "Therapy?"
A.    Tx
B.     Txy
C.     Thy
D.    Tpy

8)     What is the abbreviation for "On Examination?"
A.    OnEx
B.     O/E
C.     OEX
D.    OEXn

9)     What is the abbreviation for "Tonsils & Adenoids?"
A.    TA
B.     T/A
C.     T&Ads
D.    T&A

10)What is the abbreviation for "Mitral Regurgitation?"
A.    MR
B.     MitReg
C.     M-R
D.    Mitral/R

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